Copyright  LR Associates, Inc.  All right reserved.

Helping people profit from changing trends
Questions & Answers - CFC/AYS LRA MS Outlook Signature

Steps to Create a LRA MS Outlook Signature

1. Open your “MS Outlook Program” and access your “Signature Editor” 1. Select “File” then “Options” (details) 2. Select “Mail” then “Signatures” (details) 3. Select “Add New Signature” (details) or “Edit” “Current Signatures (details)     2. Copy the Signature - ONLY SELECT CODE BETWEEN THE DASHED LINES o Choose (CFC Signature) or (AYS Signature)     3. Paste “Signature”into the “Signature” Window prepared in step 1-3.above o INSURE “SIGNATURE” WINDOW IS EMPTY PRIOR TO PASTING  o Left Click the “OK” Icon to close the “Source Code” window (details)     4. Save your work before editing (left the “OK” and then left Click “Signature” Icon (details 5. Select Signatures then Enter Your Information in 10 places  (details)  6. Be sure to save your work (left the “OK” and then left Click “OK”) - DONE

Copyright  LR Associates, Inc.  All right reserved.

Helping people profit from changing trends
Questions & Answers - CFC/AYS LRA MS Outlook Signature

Steps to Create a LRA MS Outlook Signature

1. Open your “MS Outlook Program” and access your “Signature Editor” 1. Select “File” then “Options” (details) 2. Select “Mail” then “Signatures” (details) 3. Select “Add New Signature” (details) or “Edit” “Current Signatures (details)     2. Copy the Signature - ONLY SELECT CODE BETWEEN THE DASHED LINES o Choose (CFC Signature) or (AYS Signature)     3. Paste “Signature”into the “Signature” Window prepared in step 1-3.above o INSURE “SIGNATURE” WINDOW IS EMPTY PRIOR TO PASTING  o Left Click the “OK” Icon to close the “Source Code” window (details)     4. Save your work before editing (left the “OK” and then left Click “Signature” Icon (details 5. Select Signatures then Enter Your Information in 10 places  (details)  6. Be sure to save your work (left the “OK” and then left Click “OK”) - DONE

Copyright  LR Associates, Inc.  All right reserved.

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Helping people profit from changing trends

Steps to Create a LRA MS Outlook

Signature 1. Open your “MS Outlook Program” and access your “Signature Editor” 1. Select “File” then “Options” (details) 2. Select “Mail” then “Signatures” (details) 3. Select “Add New Signature” (details) or “Edit” “Current Signatures (details)     2. Copy the Signature - ONLY SELECT CODE BETWEEN THE DASHED LINES o Choose (CFC Signature) or (AYS Signature)     3. Paste “Signature”into the “Signature” Window prepared in step 1-3.above o INSURE “SIGNATURE” WINDOW IS EMPTY PRIOR TO PASTING  o Left Click the “OK” Icon to close the “Source Code” window (details)     4. Save your work before editing (left the “OK” and then left Click “Signature” Icon (details 5. Select Signatures then Enter Your Information in 10 places  (details)  6. Be sure to save your work (left the “OK” and then left Click “OK”) - DONE
Questions & Answers - CFC/AYS LRA MS Outlook Signature